If U are a top performer or U have the drive, passion and the determination to be one, we will back U all the way.

We are a dedicated team of leading agents, business owners and mentors that have created an environment that encompasses the very best of everything we have learnt over our many years of industry success.

Our greatest strength is our determination to keep learning, improving, raising the bar and evolving, in order to be one step ahead in this ever changing industry.

Our culture is one that not only rewards the highs and celebrates everyone’s success, but also supports U through the lows. We promote energy and positivity, creating a  super-productive environment we all benefit from. However, we do not accept mediocre, we do not prescribe to the "bums on seats" approach at all.

We would love to talk to you confidentially about how we can help you build your business even bigger! 


Call Universal!

Meet with us

Secure your future

Keep more of what U earn

Work smarter, not harder

Profile yourself effectively

Challenge normal!

Aim high and have fun!

Call us today to meet and we can show U what we are all about!

Amy Anderson - 0274 723 600

Tracie Mattar - 021 362 115