Are U thinking of selling? Who to trust when selling your home is an important decision.

We appreciate that there are a lot of agents to choose from, we all use the same advertisers and we can all get your property in front of thousands of buyers. What U need is to be put first and have your best interests in mind.

We listen and work with U on a plan to suits your needs, as everyone's situation is different.

As a boutique business we are all about our clients. We aren't focused on being the biggest, we are focused on U! With so many experienced agents in our team we have a wealth of local knowledge and success behind us. We are certainly not the new kids on the block, more like the best of the best now all working together for U.

We have carefully hand-picked our team to ensure U are getting the best service and results possible. U don't want to choose a good agent, U want a GREAT agent!

We would love the opportunity for U and one of our team to have a chat to show U what we can do for U.

Proudly Universal Realty offering A FRESH APPROACH TO REAL ESTATE.